We’ll be posting Megan and Kyle’s sneak peek next week, but we just had — absolutely HAD — to post a few stills that I’ve captured from our clips because I’m just so thrilled with how the loveliness of their wedding.Their venue — Elmaro Vineyard — was so picturesque, with grape plants starting to sprout and their leaves and tendrils inching along. And the day — bright, sunny and a scorcher — turned out to have just the right amount of sunshine to make everything shine. We often had our eyes to the heavens that weekend, because we kept seeing the Blue Angels perform as part of the La Crosse Air show, and the pilots also make a bit of an entrance into the reception, having been encouraged to join by the bridal couple. Too much fun!If you like these quick grabs, make sure you head over to Emily Schmidt Photography to see her amazing images from the wedding when they are posted.And of course, keep checking Sweet Pea for the sneak peek next week!Happy Friday, everyone!Cindy
So much loveliness and a few Blue Angels to boot!